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January 15, 2025
How cryogenic microscopy could help strengthen food security
A joint EPFL and University of Lausanne research team reports on a novel observation of a plant protection mechanism in response to salt stress. The study opens new avenues of research to strengthen food security.
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April 4, 2022
Gliding to Greater Sustainability
Imagine designing a robotic glider able to accelerate to 800km per hour using only the wind at its back. Combining passion with work, EPFL Professor Pascal Fua is leading research to develop the required capabilities, with important implications for sustainability.
March 16, 2022
EPFL announces four artists-in-residence
The Artist-in-Residence program of EPFL’s College of Humanities announces Alan Bogana (Switzerland), Dorota Gawęda (Poland) & Eglė Kulbokaitė (Lithuania), Joel Kuennen (USA), and Riccardo Giacconi (Italy) as the artists selected for its first international call: Enter the Hyper-Scientific.
March 11, 2022
Deep learning: a framework for image analysis in life sciences
Deep learning models are becoming increasingly common in bioimage analysis. Yet a lack of standardization and the use of these algorithms by non-experts are potential sources of bias. Scientists from EPFL and the European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) offer practical tips and guidance in a pap
February 25, 2022
Cosmic web orchestrates the progression of galaxies
The shape of galaxies and how they evolve depend on a web of cosmological filaments that run across the Universe. According to a recent study headed by EPFL’s Laboratory of Astrophysics, this cosmic web plays a much bigger role than previously thought.
February 10, 2022
Using images and artificial intelligence to inspect bridges
EPFL startup SwissInspect has developed a novel bridge-inspection system that combines structural engineering with drone technology, artificial intelligence and computer vision. SwissInspect is the result of research at Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics Laboratory (EESD) in collaboratio
February 9, 2022
Artificial intelligence and big data can help preserve wildlife
A team of experts in artificial intelligence and animal ecology have put forth a new, cross-disciplinary approach intended to enhance research on wildlife species and make more effective use of the vast amounts of data now being collected thanks to new technology. Their study appears today in Nature
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